Why I Write

We are currently in Portland, Oregon until the end of the month. Our daughter goes to school here so we’ve been able to spend some quality time with her and her college friends. Last night, at dinner, one of the kids asked me why I wrote. He’s a poet, so his question was a bit deeper than the usual ‘how did you get started writing?’ or ‘what inspired this particular book?’ He was really asking the question I think most artists ask themselves – why do we create?

Art happens through words, music, paint, sculpture, movement, film, various combinations of the aforementioned, and in ways we probably haven’t thought of yet. Essentially, art happens anywhere and anytime human beings express themselves through their unique creations. Art is personal to the artist, and their reasons for creating it just as individual. Ask anyone why they write or paint or dance, etc. and you will probably recognize a few underlying themes, but each answer will be personal.

So, why do I write? Well, I’ve always had a vivid imagination. It took me years to acquire the necessary writing skills to craft an entire novel, but I’ve been creating stories in my mind since I was a child. It’s satisfying to be able to bring them to life on the page. It’s satisfying to share them with readers. For a little while, those readers are joining me in a world I created, and they’re spending time with characters from my imagination. Through my stories, I’m connecting with people I don’t know and sharing an experience with them. I want to entertain people through my stories, and I want to do it well.

Sometimes, I also want to explore a theme in my writing. With my first science fiction series, the underlying questions I grappled with were, “When confronted with hatred and injustice, who becomes a hero? Who defends their neighbor? Who turns a blind eye?” Questions as relevant today as they’ve ever been. The characters I created for that series had been tossed into the fray, so to speak, and it was satisfying to explore all the various ways they responded to the catastrophes in their world and watch them evolve.

Sometimes writing is hard, and the words don’t come easily. Sometimes I’m frustrated and distracted and uninspired. But, at the end of the day, I write because it’s really, really satisfying to give the stories in my head full expression on the page and to know people are enjoying them.

“Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.” – Gloria Steinem


I’ll be teaching another webinar for the ARIA Writing Academy via Zoom. It’s only 90 minutes and very reasonably priced (only $35) for as much information as I can pack into the time slot. So, if you or anyone you know have interest, please follow the link below to register.

PATHWAYS TO PUBLISHING - Wednesday, October 25 at 7 pm EST. There’s more than one way to bring your book baby to life! Publishing has evolved in the modern era offering authors many options. With innovative platforms such as Inkitt and Wattpad, and indie, hybrid, and traditional models thriving, writers have many opportunities to see their work in print. And, don’t forget the audio and digital markets! Register for an informative program and lively discussion on the what, why, and how of modern publishing. Click HERE for more info.

Finally, enjoy a few photos of our current adventures from the San Fransisco area to the Oregon coast…


One Good Writing Day


It’s an Adventure!