It’s an Adventure!

Years ago, when I was just a baby writer, I started a blog to help build a reader base and to get my name out there before I released my first book. I hoped people would be interested enough to follow my posts, and that they’d enjoy my writing style enough to take a chance on me. Blogging, of course, is a different animal entirely from fiction writing, but it was, and still is, a good habit and a way for me to keep in touch with my loyal readers.

Authors often talk about ‘voice’ in their writing. Voice is this elusive thing you can’t quite pinpoint but recognize when you see it. It’s reflected in every writer’s particularly unique style, and it carries through all their work. Whether you read my romantic suspense or any of my various speculative fiction works or my blog posts, you probably subconsciously recognize it.

So, what does this have to do with my original blog?

Back then, I felt like it was important for the content, the tone, and the theme of my blog to be reflective of me, not just as a writer, but as a person. I wanted my authentic ‘voice’ to shine through. The original title, ‘It’s an Adventure!’ summarized my world view pretty well. Whether in the midst of my parenting adventure, my teaching adventure, or some other one-off adventure like climbing a mountain, I chose, then as now, to think about life as a grand adventure. Not that life is always rainbows and unicorns. Of course it isn’t, but framing it as an ‘adventure’ keeps me oriented toward positivity, growth, and interest.

Now, almost a decade after writing my first blog, I realize I still think about things this way. I still live my life this way. Although the journey has evolved, and many things have changed over the years, my ‘voice’ has been pretty consistent. I’m currently writing this post from Petaluma, CA after a month in sunny Santa Barbara. Our goal is to visit all fifty states and deeply experience various parts of the country during our travels before settling someplace. This particular journey will likely take years, and I’m thrilled. The ability to work remotely has certainly made this lifestyle possible, but the idea of jumping in to another adventure with both feet was really on point!

“Someday you will rejoice your brave decision to come into the theme park of life refusing to settle for a mediocre ride on the merry-go-round. You chose to go on the big loop roller-coaster instead.”
― Anthon St. Maarten

Of course, I love roller coasters. And, for fun, I found the link to my very first blog post, funnily enough, about climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro! Have a look HERE if you’re interested!


I’ll be teaching two webinar classes in the month of October for the ARIA Writing Academy via Zoom. They’re only 90 minutes and very reasonably priced (only $35) for as much information as I can pack into the time slot. So, if you or anyone you know have interest, please follow the links below to register.

KICK YOUR SCENE INTO ACTION - Wednesday, October 17 at 7 pm EST. As writers, we often visualize our action scenes as if they were on the big screen. But how do we translate the heart pounding, edge-of-the-seat, adrenaline rush that we get from watching a scene to the pages of our books? Whether you’re crafting a fight scene or a spaceship battle, these tips will help bring intensity to your scene and keep your readers turning the pages. New and experienced writers welcome! Click HERE for more info.

PATHWAYS TO PUBLISHING - Wednesday, October 25 at 7 pm EST. There’s more than one way to bring your book baby to life! Publishing has evolved in the modern era offering authors many options. With innovative platforms such as Inkitt and Wattpad, and indie, hybrid, and traditional models thriving, writers have many opportunities to see their work in print. And, don’t forget the audio and digital markets! Register for an informative program and lively discussion on the what, why, and how of modern publishing. Click HERE for more info.

Finally, enjoy a few photos of our current adventure – from writing time at a local bar, to making dinner in our tiny home, to celebrating a big anniversary with Daisy, to the beautiful marshes of Carpinteria!


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