One Good Writing Day

If you’ve been following me here, or on my other blog Five Things, for a while, you’ve probably heard me complain a time or two about being in a creative slump. It’s an uncomfortable spot, especially when I have big publishing aspirations for the rest of the year, but I’m pleased to tell you, I had a really good writing day yesterday. What does that look like for me, you might wonder? Well, it’s about more than hitting a particular word count. When I have a good writing day, I feel immersed in my story, connected to my characters, and I have a good sense of where I’m going for the next several scenes. When I have a good writing day, the time flies, and I’m not thinking about word count because the words just flow.

One good day creates something of a snowball effect. When I’m excited by my story again, I can’t wait to return to it when the writing session is over, which in turn makes the next writing day a good one as well. To keep the ball rolling, so to speak, I’ll often end a scene before it’s finished, so the next day I can dive right in and know where I’m heading. Then, I’m in my creative zone, where hopefully, the process will repeat itself until I reach the end of the book.

The story I’m working on is my ninth full-length novel, so I’m very familiar with the way things go for me. I can pretty much count on the first few chapters tumbling out in an enthusiastic frenzy, and then there will be a slow-down, where I feel stuck in the muck and totally uninspired. But thankfully, I can also count on that one good writing day to get me back on track, and I’m always so relieved when it happens!

In other news:

This space will be returning to the original ‘Dear Maggie’ format, where you are welcome to send me a question, and I’ll answer it right here on the blog! Just hit the contact button on the main search bar to reach me.

I’ll be teaching a Zoom webinar titled “Editing: Soup to Nuts” on Wednesday, November 8th at 7 pm EST. It’s only 90 minutes and very reasonably priced (only $35) for as much information as I can pack into the time slot! So, if you or anyone you know have interest, please follow this LINK to register. Here’a a description… For many authors, the editing process is a daunting one, but a well edited manuscript can mean the difference between a book that’s ready for the world and a document that sits in a drawer collecting dust. Let’s talk about the different parts of the editing process and how to successfully find and work with an editor. We’ll also spend time discussing the goals of a developmental edit and how to work effectively with beta readers or critique partners. Learn practical techniques that will help make the editing process efficient, effective, and satisfying!

Finally, enjoy a few photos of Mt. Hood and two of my sleepy kitties!


End Before Beginning


Why I Write