Ringing in the New Year!

Dear Maggie,

I’m anxious to read the next book in the TSI series. What are your writing plans for the New Year? Will you release book 4?


Waiting in Walla Walla

Dear Waiting,

I know it’s been a hot minute since I released a new TSI book, and I thank you for your patience. I’d intended to be much farther along in the series by now, but our nomadic life took a little getting used to. We’ve been on the road for over a year now, visited twenty states, nine national parks, and discovered small towns we never would have spent time in otherwise. If you’d like to follow our journey, you can find my favorite pictures on Instagram @tabithalord. It’s been great fun, and at the end of this year, Ray and I agreed to keep the adventure going. It took a while, but I finally feel like I’ve got a handle on balancing my personal and professional life, and I’ve made significant progress with my writing over the last few months.

So, my writing plans for 2024 include finishing the three final books in the TSI series. I want to get them drafted and at least one edited and in production by the end of May since I’ll be starting grad school in June! You can read about my interesting path toward this higher education endeavor in the post titled: Back to School. Despite the challenge of lost transcripts, all’s well that ends well. I’m in and ready to start working on my MFA in genre fiction! This particular program will allow me to keep writing professionally (the thesis is a full-length novel), but I plan to finish the TSI series first anyway. If you haven’t met the hot, hunky guys and smart, sexy gals featured in the TSI world, you can find them in the first four books HERE.

For those of you new to my ‘Dear Maggie’ blog, welcome! Friends old and new, please feel free to send a question to me at maggie@msmaggieclare.com and I’ll answer it here on the blog. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and I wish you all the best in 2024!


Validity, Visibility, and the Warm Fuzzies


Happy Holidays!