
Dear Maggie,

Is it true you are traveling the country in an RV? What’s it like? How long will you be on the road?


Traveller from Tacoma

Dear Traveller,

It is true! Last year, my husband and I sold our home, our cars, our furniture, pretty much everything, and bought an RV. We hit the road right after the holidays and have been wandering ever since. Once our youngest child left for college, our big house suddenly seemed rather empty. With all four kids living on the west coast, which was a five-hour flight and three-hour time difference away, we knew it was time for a change, but we didn’t know where we wanted to resettle.

The RV idea was a middle-of-the-night inspiration that felt both crazy and intriguing at the same time. My husband and I were never really campers, and the first few months required a huge learning curve, but so far we’ve visited twenty states and nine national parks. We’ve dropped anchor, so to speak, in big cities and remote campgrounds. Traveling the country this way has been amazing, and we aren’t ready to settle anywhere yet!

We try to stay places for several weeks at a time. This way, we don’t wear ourselves out with nonstop travel, and we really get the feel for a particular community. We find the dog parks, the yoga studios, the gyms, the museums, a good restaurant or two, the farmer’s markets, etc. We settle in and create a temporary work routine wherever we go. Now, a year into the adventure, our tiny house on wheels really feels like home. Our animals adjusted quickly, and so did we! Living simply, with our focus less on stuff and more on experiences, has been super satisfying.

I know someday we’ll want a permanent home again, but right now, we’re still enjoying our travels, and I suspect we have a few more years of adventure ahead of us! Thank’s for the great question.

If you have a question for me, send it to and I’ll answer it here on the blog!

“Not all those who wander are lost.” - JRR Tolkien


Happy Holidays!


Constructive Critique