Best Book Boyfriends

Dear Maggie,

What makes a great book boyfriend? Do you have an all time favorite?


Swooning in St. Louis

Dear Swooning,

A great book boyfriend likely looks different to different people. We all have qualities and characteristics we’re attracted to in a potential partner. I like to write strong, sexy male characters who own their shortcomings and aren’t intimidated by intelligent, successful, equally strong women. These hotties can come in different packages, with different personalities. They can be protective, gruff, sweet, brooding, outgoing, funny, or serious, but unequivocal support for their lady love is a must.

Another thing I think about when writing a sexy book boyfriend, or main male lead, is his ability to evolve and do the work to make the relationship work. Romance novels play to our fantasies. We want to swoon over the characters, we want the emotional intensity of a good plot, and we definitely want the happily ever after. So, as a writers, we have to figure out the places where conflicts, mistakes even, can happen without making a character irredeemable. Cue a little self-awareness on the part of our heroic hunk!

Choosing my own favorite book boyfriend of all time is not an easy task, but I think I’d have to go with Jamie Fraser of Outlander fame. He’s a natural leader, fair-minded and forward-thinking. He’s also tough as hell, but he isn’t intimidated by Claire’s strength, intelligence, and independence. It took a willingness to evolve on his part to accept that his wife was his partner. He’s remained a protective, strong, bad-ass man, while at the same time showing support and unconditional love for Claire, and damn, if that’s not the sexiest thing since sliced bread! Let me be honest, when it was first announced that the books would become a TV series, I was nervous. How could anyone come close to portraying Jamie the way I, and millions of other women who’d been fans of the books for literally decades, imagined him? When Sam was cast, I thought he was just too pretty for the part, but wow, did he own it! So, Jamie Fraser, from both the book and the screen, wins best book boyfriend for me. Thanks for the fun question!

If you have a question for me, send it to and I’ll answer it here on the blog.


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